At first they were out of print in many places, but now you can get them (almost) everywhere. Masks are an important tool in the fight against the coronavirus. To protect yourself and other people, wearing is essential. However, there are big differences and ultimately only good FFP masks protect against infection. Those FFP masks lie tightly on the mouth and nose, so that the wearer is much better protected against the transmission of viruses. This is made possible by the integrated FFP (Filtering Face Piece) filter, which can catch even the smallest particles and aerosols. There are three levels of protection: FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 – whet it should be at least FFP2 in the fight against Corona. In order to ensure that the particle filtering these masks are permitted in Europe, you have to pay attention to a so-called CE mark. “The masks have to meet the requirements of the DIN EN 149: 2009-08 standard,” explains the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices in Germany (BfArM).

There are also FFP2 models with an extra valve, but these only filter the inhaled air and thus only protect the wearer, but not the environment. The exhaled air, on the other hand, is released unfiltered to the outside, so that the carrier can infect other people in the event of an infection. Therefore, the US health authority CDC even advises against wearing respiratory masks with valves or vents in everyday life.
3 layer protective or ordinary medical masks protect the environment and thus help to avoid infection with others. FFP2 or FFP3 masks give protection as well to the environment as to oneself. These FFP masks are the best self-protection masks!– i-sells group

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